Who am I?
I’m Taylor—a faith-driven writer, poet, and aspiring speaker, seeking truth in a world that distorts it.
For years, I searched for meaning in all the wrong places: chasing validation, identity, and power. I was drawn into lies, lost in the world, and blind to the One who had been calling me all along. But Christ found me in the darkness and led me into truth.
Not a concept, but a person: Jesus.
Now, I write not for approval, but to proclaim the only truth that sets people free.
We live in a time where truth is treated as subjective, where feelings replace facts, and where deception is repackaged as enlightenment. But the Word of God stands unshaken.
I believe that faith and boldness go hand in hand. That the Gospel isn’t just good news—it’s the only news worth living and dying for.
Through Well Versed, I aim to build a space for real conversations, fearless creativity, and writing that refuses to conform.
I once wrote for the applause and finger snaps from an audience that shared in my pain. I glorified myself, the enemy, and the darkness, and people saw themselves in it. Now, I write to glorify the God who took on the suffering of the world—the lashes, the nails, the weight of sin—so that even a life like mine could be redeemed. The lies I’ve told, the things I’ve done… I deserve none of His mercy. And yet, He is loving. He is forgiving. He is full of grace.
So now, every word I write belongs to Him.
Contact me
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