Star City Poet’s Society

About Our Group:
This local poetry group was founded by Kim Francisco under the name, “The Grandin Village Poet’s Society.”
After overflowing On The Rise Bakery with 30+ poetry enthusiasts, we had to expand. Our name changed to represent the city that we represent, and we then found our current home at Big Lick Brewing Company every 3rd Tuesday starting at 6PM.
This diverse and expressive group is located in Roanoke, Virginia, and is collectively run by Chad Nastiuk and myself, Taylor O’Lynn.
While I myself focus on faith-based works, Star City Poet’s Society is a secular group that opens the microphone to everyone’s personal experiences and differences.

Upcoming events.

Open Mic Poetry
Join us to spill your verbal guts for this open mic night! The theme for this month’s show is: Music Is Poetry! Combine a song that speaks to you with some written word, and read it aloud!
After those who participated in this month’s theme have shared their works, we will open the mic to original content from the sign-up sheet.
Sign-ups start at 6PM, readings start at 6:30.

Open Mic Poetry
Your voice deserves to be heard, and your story to be told. We have all walks of life, and everyone gets 5 minutes.
Join us at Big Lick Brewery in the back room to share in the art of spoken word.